Mirian B.: Every day is a new delightful surprise!

Mirian B.: Every day is a new delightful surprise!
If I was to describe in one word what it felt like staying at Casa Kickapoo, that would be: GRATITUDE. During my 2 weeks’ stay with Luis and Gloria, I felt nothing but joy, contentment, love and excitement. Everything from the food to the entertainment, off site trips, room service, activities, transfers, and many more, was delivered with so much dedication, care and love. I’ve received the finest royal treatment one could wish for, from the minute I got picked-up from the airport to the moment I got dropped-off – a very sad day as I could have easily stayed with them endlessly since it was so easy to forget that I had a life back in London. I look forward to returning to Casa Kickapoo and experiencing one of the best times of my life all over again.
London, United Kingdom