Casa Kickapoo

Mikhail O.: Best vacation I have ever taken!

Mikhail O.: Best vacation I have ever taken!

When I decided to go to El Salvador, I didn’t know what to expect. I was anxious, because I was worried that the only people who would be willing to subjugate their bodies to surfing and jiu jitus all day had to be be crazy. And everyone I met in El Salvador was crazy. But they’re all the best kind of crazy. I loved every second of my time at Casa Kickapoo. Luis and Gloria are magnificent hosts. Luis the surf instructor had many of us noobs standing on the first day! And Christian is an awesome instructor and person. I had so much fun rolling and trouble shooting jiu jitsu with my fellow nerds and hanging out drinking coconuts in the pool all day. The real camp secret is Rodrigo. He can seriously cook! I’m very thankful for the people I met. I am already planning to visit several of them this year!

Newtown Square, PA